List Devices ============ .. http:get:: /sk-api/v1/devices Get a list of devices. :reqheader Authorization: The client's :ref:`Authorization header `. :query tenantCode: (optional) Filter by devices registered to the specified tenant. :query managingOrgCode: (optional) Filter by devices registered to tenants under the specified managing organization. :query cursor: (optional) String value used to navigate result pagination. :status 200 OK: Query successful. :Response Data: - **devices** -- A list of devices. - **nextCursor** -- 100 results are returned at a time. If more are available, this string value can be used to query the next set of results. If no more results are available, this value will be missing. Each entry in **devices** is a JSON representation of a device from Skykit Admin. .. _user_response_data: :Device: - **chromeWebviewVersion** -- The version of Chrome used to run webview content on a device. - **connectionType** -- The type of physical connection the device uses to connect to the internet. - **contentManagerDisplayName** -- The device's name in Skykit Content Manager. - **contentManagerLocation** -- The device's location in Skykit Content Manager. - **contentPending** -- The name of the pending media item set to play next, if any. - **controlVersionName** -- The device's custom admin app version (Android only). If none, app is either not installed, or an older version is installed that does not report its version. - **created** -- The date when the device was created inside of Skykit. - **defaultHomeApp** -- Default device home app type and version. - **displayRatio** -- The device's display ratio when rendering content. - **ethernetMacAddress** -- The device's ethernet MAC address. - **heartbeatUpdated** -- The last time that the device made a successful heartbeat request. A "heartbeat" is a snapshot of a device's state, posted to Skykit every few minutes. - **homeVersionName** -- The device's custom home screen app version (Android only). If none, app is either not installed, or an older version is installed that does not report its version. - **hoursOfOperation** -- The hours during the day when proof of play logs will captured. - **id** -- The device's unique identifier. - **lastPlayedContentName** -- The name of the last piece of content reported by this device. - **launcherVersionName** -- The device's legacy custom home screen app version (Android only). If none, app is either not installed, or an older version is installed that does not report its version. - **macAddress** -- The active MAC address of this device. - **managingOrgCode** -- The unique identification code of the managing organization to which this device belongs. - **managingOrgName** -- The name of the managing organization to which this device belongs. - **model** -- The device's hardware model. - **notes** -- User-supplied notes pertaining to this device. - **online** -- A boolean indicating whether the device is currently online (``true``) or offline (``false``). - **orientation** -- The device's orientation: ``vertical`` or ``horizontal``. - **os** -- The device's operating system. - **osVersion** -- The operating system version. - **serialNumber** -- The device's serial number. - **skykitPlayerVersion** -- The version of the Skykit player running on this device (both Android and Chrome). - **streamSpeed** -- Content download speed in Mbps. - **tenantCode** -- The unique identification code of the tenant to which this device belongs. - **tenantName** -- The name of the tenant to which this device belongs. - **timezone** -- The device's timezone setting. - **usageType** -- Description field to indicate how the device is to be used inside of Skykit. - **wifiSsid** -- The name of the network to which the device is currently connected. :status 400 Bad Request: Request parameters invalid. :Response Data: - **message** -- A human-readable message explaining what went wrong. :status 401 Unauthorized: Authorization headers invalid. :Response Data: - **message** -- Unauthorized for URL. :status 403 Forbidden: Something was wrong in the authentication headers. :Response Data: - **message** -- Insufficient permission. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /sk-api/v1/devices HTTP/1.1 **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: javascript { "devices": [ { "connectionType": "WiFi", "contentManagerDisplayName": "Test Display", "contentManagerLocation": "Office", "contentPending": "", "controlVersionName": null, "created": "2019-04-20T15:20:24.023Z", "displayRatio": "16:9", "heartbeatUpdated": "2019-06-20T16:16:16.890Z", "homeVersionName": null, "hoursOfOperation": { "mon": {"startTime": "07:00", "endTime": "18:00"}, "tue": {"startTime": "07:00", "endTime": "18:00"}, "wed": {"startTime": "07:00", "endTime": "18:00"}, "thu": {"startTime": "07:00", "endTime": "18:00"}, "fri": {"startTime": "07:00", "endTime": "18:00"}, "sat": {"startTime": "10:00", "endTime": "19:00"}, "sun": {"startTime": "10:00", "endTime": "16:00"}, "excludeDates": [ "2019-01-08", "2019-11-28", "2019-12-25" ] }, "id": "a4e9e20dc0614df99a86bc3223c7c6c4", "lastPlayedContentName": "video 2", "launcherVersionName": "136.1.1", "macAddress": "3g3gh6wf5twg", "managingOrgCode": "skykit", "managingOrgName": "Skykit", "model" "ASUS Chromebox CN60", "notes": "", "online": true, "orientation": "horizontal", "os": "cros", "osVersion": "74.0.3729.159", "serialNumber": "SN0010287", "skykitPlayerVersion": "113.0.1", "streamSpeed": 3, "tenantCode": "skykit_example_tenant", "tenantName": "Skykit Example Tenant", "timezone": "US/Central", "usageType": "Installed" }, { "connectionType": "WiFi", "contentManagerDisplayName": "News Stand", "contentManagerLocation": "Lobby", "contentPending": "Current Events", "controlVersionName": "com.skykit.control not installed", "created": "202--03-20T15:20:24.098Z", "displayRatio": "16:9", "heartbeatUpdated": "2020-04-20T16:16:16.465Z", "homeVersionName": "com.skykit.home not installed", "hoursOfOperation": null, "id": "e8d07b43bdfa4fd78996ae1e43759910", "lastPlayedContentName": "Current Events", "launcherVersionName": "132.0.0", "macAddress": "3g3gh6wf5twg", "managingOrgCode": "skykit", "managingOrgName": "Skykit", "model": "ASUS Chromebox CN62", "notes": "Do not unplug", "online": true, "orientation": "vertical", "os": "cros", "osVersion": "74.0.3729.159", "serialNumber": "SN0008296", "skykitPlayerVersion": "113.0.1", "streamSpeed": 1, "tenantCode": "skykit_example_tenant", "tenantName": "Skykit Example Tenant", "timezone": "US/Eastern", "usageType": "Installed" } ], "nextCursor": "HA4TONXKGYYTEMI=" } **Example usage**: .. sourcecode:: python from sign_jwt import make_headers # see: Authentication from tqdm import tqdm # for progress bar, if desired import requests BASE_URI = '' LIST_DEVICES_ENDPOINT = 'sk-api/v1/devices' URI = '{}/{}'.format(BASE_URI, LIST_DEVICES_ENDPOINT) def list_devices(tenant_code=None, managing_org_code=None, tqdm=None): headers = make_headers() params = {} if tenant_code: params['tenantCode'] = tenant_code if managing_org_code: params['managingOrgCode'] = managing_org_code if tqdm: pbar = tqdm() cursor = '' devices = [] while True: response = requests.get(URI, headers=headers, params=params) response.raise_for_status() devices_page = response.json()['devices'] devices += devices_page if tqdm: pbar.update(len(devices_page)) cursor = content.get('nextCursor') if cursor: params['cursor'] = cursor else: break return devices example_devices = list_devices(tenant_code='skykit_example_tenant', tqdm=tqdm)